sexta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2017

Building Grammar Skills (For the TOEFL iBT) Edit

Table of Contents

Grammar Point 1 - Party of the sentence
Grammar Point 2 - “There is" vs “to Have’'
Grammar Point 3 - Using Modal Verbs to Make Requests________________8
Grammar Point 4 - introduction to Prepositions________________________V4
Grammar Point 5 - Prepositions of Place______________________________T7
Grammar Point 6 - Prepositions of Time______________________________20
Grammar Point 7 - Prepositions of Place & Movement___________________26
Grammar Point 8 - Various Pairs____________________________________11
Grammar Point 9 - Adjectives_______________________________________37
Grammar Point 10 - Comparatives___________________________________38
Grammar Point 11 - Order of Adjectives______________________________44
Grammar Point 12 - Participle Adjectives_____________________________46
Grammar Point 13 - Word Parts_____________________________________50
Grammar Point 14 - Adjective Clauses_______________________________54
Grammar Point 15 - Adjective Clause Reduaions______________________70
Grammar Point 16 - Equativcs______________________________________76
Grammar Point 17 - The Superlative_________________________________81
Grammar Point 18 - Showing Cause and Effect with Adjectives___________85
Grammar Point 19 - Vt^rh Tenses____________________________________£2
Grammar Point 20 - Regular Verbs and Link Verbs______________________96
Grammar Pninr21 - Verbals- Grmnckand Infinitives____________________lilQ
Grammar Point 22 Causa rive Verbs_________________________________LIM
Grammar Point 23 - The Passive Voice________________________________LL1
Grammar Point 24 - More Participles as Subjects and Objects_____________122
Grammar Point 25 - Adjective plus Infinitives__________________________124
Grammar Point 26 - Modal Auxiliary Verbs____________________________127
Grammar Point 27 - Modals for Advice_______________________________12S
Grammar Point 28 - Modals for Necessity_____________________________132
Grammar Point 29 - Prohibition vs Ghnitv____________________________113
Grammar Point 30 - Modal Review__________________________________115
Grammar Point 31 - Modals For Speculation___________________________138
Grammar Point 32 - Speculating about the Present______________________139
Grammar Point 33 - Reported Speech_________________________________143
Grammar Point 34 - Speculating about the Past_________________________152
Grammar Point 35 - Conditionals____________________________________151
Grammar Point 36 - Using “unless”__________________________________156
Grammar Point 37 - Conditional 3___________________________________165
Grammar Point 38 - In trod notion to Nouns____________________________120
Grammar Point 39 - Classification 1 - Types of Nouns___________________171
Grammar Point 41) - Classification ? - Count and Non-count Nouns________123
Grammar Point 41 - Articles________________________________________122
Grammar Point 42 - Noun Glauses__________________________________182
Grammar Point 43 - Noun Clause Connector/subjects__________________185
Grammar Point 44 - Article Review__________________________________121
Grammar Point 45 - Count/Non-count Review 195
Grammar Point 46 - Review Noun Hanses____________________________120
Grammar Point 47 - Noun Clause Cnnnertnrs__________________________122
Grammar Point 4ft- Noun Clause Reductions 1_________________________202
Grammar Point 49- Noun Clause Rednrrinns 7________________________204
Grammar Point 50 - Introduction to Adverbs__________________________202
Grammar Point 51 - Adverbs and Link Verbs 210
Grammar Point 52 - Negative and ‘'almost” negative adverbs at the beginning of a sentence______________________210
Grammar Point 53 - Adverb Clauses 212
Grammar Point 54 Adverb Clauses of Cause, Condition, and Contrast 216
Grammar Point 55 - Adverb Clause Reductions 218
Grammar Point 56- Advetb Clause Reductions with “Because"_______221
Grammar Point 57 - Adverb Clause Reductions with '‘After"__________223
Grammar Point 58 - Conjunctions___________________________________227
Grammar Point 59 - Word Parts from Greek 233
Grammar Point 60 - Paired Conjunctions_____________________________235
Grammar Point 61 - Applied Conjunctions____________________________240


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